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"It is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me. " Gal. 2:20

God has not constituted Christ our example to be copied. He is not giving us his strength to help us imitate Christ. He has not even planted Christ within us to help us to be Christlike. Galatians 2:20 is not our standard for record breaking endeavor. It is not a high aim to be aspired to through long seeking and patient progress. No, it is not God's aim at all, but God's method.

When Paul says "Christ liveth within me,” he is showing us the life that gives God satisfaction in the believer, and there is no substitute. "Not I, but Christ" means Christ instead of me. When Paul uses these words, he is not claiming to have attained something his readers have not yet reached to. He is defining the Christian life. The Christian life is the Christ-life. God gives Christ to become my life and to live His life in me.

 Watchman Nee
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